When you work with us:

You boost your decision making abilities.

The core proposition revolves around replacing manual views created through manual inspection by views generated automatically, yet are specific to the problem. It's much like data science, only applied to software.

This is important because of two reasons. First, we replace the single largest cost and the greatest source for unnecessary risk. Your system is too large to be understood manually. As a consequence, pictures produced manually do not reflect the reality of the system. They constitute beliefs rather than accurate engineering tools. And beliefs are not appropriate for any decision making.

Second, automating how information is gathered from the system reduces risks and frees energy that can be used for experimenting and acting. Once you can get answers quickly from a system, a new set of practices is made possible, that we call Moldable Development, that supports hypothesis-driven decisions for every single problem related to a software systems.

You gain critical skills.

Steering a legacy system is a multi-dimensional problem. Due to the size of systems, tools are essential, but regardless how smart tools are, you are still the one to make the decision. You have to drive.

Legacy means value, but value is always specific. Every system is special in its own way. There are no recipes to deal with it. It relates to your technology, to your domain, to your business. However, there are patterns you can learn and skills you can build.

We show you how these work in practice. It's not easy, but it's lasting. And then we teach you how to do it yourself, too.

You get results now.
And you invest in the long term, too.

Yes, we know that your crisis needs addressing now. But, you can address it as an investment that will pay off continuously in the future.

We act as your first tactical team. In a crisis, everything looks like a problem, but not all problems are equally valuable. We work with you identify what matters and you get concrete visible improvements at least quarterly. And, you also get the tools tailored specifically for documenting and ensuring that path.

Like this, solving the crisis becomes an investment into your long term ability to deal with the same problems.