We research and develop ways to make systems explainable.
We believe explainability is of paramount importance and we work to make systems explainable through systematic means and dedicated tools.
Moldable Development
We invented Moldable Development, a way of programming through custom tools built for each problem. This approach can involve thousands of tools... per system. These tools compress the system and help us learn about the system much faster than by reading the sources.
This then introduces a new feedback loop that leads to new opportunities for creating value through software engineering.
Watch Tudor Girba and Simon Wardley chatting about Moldable Development.
Selected publications
Example-driven development: bridging tests and documentation
Oscar Nierstrasz, Andrei Chiş, Tudor Girba — Live 2024
Moldable Development: Guiding Technical Decisions without Reading Code
Tudor Girba — InfoQ, 2022
Glamorous Toolkit
We develop Glamorous Toolkit, an extensive open-source environment that documents Moldable Development and makes it practical. It empowers developers to make systems explainable through experiences tailored for each problem.
We actively use the environment for all our projects and we evolve it to capture what we learn.
Watch Tudor Girba's demoing how Glamorous Toolkit enables Moldable Development.
Wardley Maps
Situational awareness and achieving consensus are crucial components of any business assessment. This is why we are passionate advocates of Wardley Maps, a powerful method for visualizing business landscapes and facilitating executive consensus on strategic decisions. We continually enhance our mapping capabilities within Glamorous Toolkit to incorporate various abilities such as AI-generated and analyzed Wardley Maps, comparisons across multiple maps, or integration of Wardley Maps with other data-driven analyses and narratives.
We actively use Wardley Maps on our projects in collaboration with the leading authority in the space - Simon Wardley himself.
Watch a demo of analyzing multiple Wardley Maps.